Civil Engineering
The Civil Engineering(CE) Department offers one of the oldest and most diverse programs in the engineering disciplines. We consider our program to be one of the core CE disciplines worldwide. We guide our students to learn and understand the overall global impact the CE profession has within the industry. Our department’s expertise is in training and coaching the aspect of planning and designing a variety of infrastructure options according to proven engineering techniques.
Our department focuses on conducting both theoretical and practical activities to ensure that every student gains the best knowledge and can eventually be competitive in the place market. We have also partnered with some of the most prestigious firms and organizations in the country. This helps us to develop the capability of each student to qualify for the next level of study or start a career.
The Bachelor of Technology (BTEC) in Civil Engineering program provides a solid foundation for the core CE disciplines. Civil engineers plan, design, and supervise the construction of buildings, bridges, water tanks, transmission lines, pipelines, highways, railroads, airports, harbors, water and wastewater collection treatment, and distribution systems, along with dams and power plants. They operate and maintain these facilities and systems that serve the basic needs of our society. The future careers of CE graduates assures that they can work in the construction industry and research organizations.
Laboratory Facilities
Strength of Materials Laboratory
- Universal Testing Machine
- Charpy Impact Test
- Torsion Test
- Spring Test for Rigidity Modulus
- Beam Deflection Test

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Laboratory
- Metacentric Height
- Pipe Losses – Major and Minor Losses
- Calibration of Venturimeter
- Calibration of OrificeMeter
- Verification of Bernoullis Theorem
- Rotometer
- Pelton Turbine
- Reciprocating Pump
- Centrifugal Pump
Surveying Laboratory
- Total Station
- Dumpy Level
- Theodolite
- Prismatic Compass

Computer Laboratory
Career Options
- Design Engineer
- Structural Engineer
- Geotechnical Engineer
- Environmental Engineer
- Marine Engineer
- Engineering Manager
- Water Resource Engineer
- Civil Engineer

Civil Engineering Bridge Building Competition
Date: November 8, 2022
Event Time: 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
Organized By: Dr. Haran Pragalath, Dr. Saleema Panda
Civil Engineering Photography Competition
Date: 03 October 2022 (10:00 AM)
Organized By: Dr. Haran Pragalath, Dr. Saleema Panda
Description: The performance of a civil engineering structure can degrade due to material defects, design error, or construction mistakes. This photography competition will increase awareness of the different types of structural damage around us.

Construction Site Visit
Date: 26 October 2022
Company name: Kayan Engineering Consultants
Organized By: Dr. Saleema Panda & Dr. Haran Pragalath
Description: Visit to ongoing construction projects – Residential Project and Mosque
Geo-Technic Lab Visit
Date: 25 Oct 2021
Company Name: National Laboratory, Industrial Area, Sharjah
Organized By: Dr. Saleema Panda
Description: Practical tests on soil samples to find their properties

Guest Lecture
Date: 25 Nov 2021, 10:00 am to 11:00 am (Online Event)
Speaker Name: Dr. Amiya Ranjan Pandit, Shivalik College of Engineering, Dehradun, India.
Organized By: Dr. D.C. Haran Pragalath
Description: A guest lecture on the topic, “Vibration Control for Civil Engineering Structures Using Low-Cost Dampers”
Construction Site Visit
Date: 9 Nov 2021
Site Location: Labor Camp, Umm Al Quwain
Company name: Green Solutions, Umm Al Quwain
Organized By: Dr. Saleema Panda
Description: Construction of Prefabricated Buildings; In addition, Steel Trusses and RCC Structures

Workshop on
Date: 25 Nov 2021 and 9 Dec 2021
Location: BAC Computer Lab
Company name: Green Solutions, Umm Al Quwain.
Organized By: Dr. D.C. Haran Pragalath and Dr. Saleema Panda
Description: Analysis and design of civil ctructures using Staad.Pro software
Research and Development Activities
Faculty Name
Research Publication
Dr. D. C. Haran Pragalath
B.E, M.Tech, PhD
Structural Engineering
Dr. Saleema Panda
B.Tech, PhD
Structural Engineering